Advertising can be traced down to the origin of man.
Therefore, it is a phenomenon that has been with the society for a very long
time. Although advertising is so popular, it is difficult to come up with a
single and an all embracing definition. However some scholars have proffered
some definitions, which will be highlighted in this study.
According to academic’s dictionary of mass
communication, compiled by Michael Hoffmann (2007). “Advertising is a paid,
medicated, form of communication from an identifiable source, designed to
persuade the receiver to take some action, now or in the future”.
Throwing more light on this, the dictionary of
business and finance captures it as any form of paid public announcement or
presentation, which is aimed at the promotion of the sake of goods and
services, or at gaining acceptance for any idea or point of view.
No wonder Okunna (2002, P.99) Jonathan E. Aliede,
says in their more recent and widely accepted definition states thus that,
advertising is the non – personal communication of information, usually paid
for and usually persuasive in nature about products (goods and services) or
ideas by identified sponsors through various media. From the above running
background, it is obvious that advertising from all indication is usually the
easiest means to reach the target consumer directly. Therefore, advertising enables
sponsor to reach a substantial segment of their target audience through various
media especially print and electronic.
But before casting our research searchlight on the
effectiveness of radio advertisement as one of the media on family planning programme
advertisement, it is pertinent that we focus this research search light on the
history of family planning programme because a people without a history is like
a people without a past.
On the other hand, the historical development of
man’s desire to control his reproduction is as old as humanity. The WHO (World
Health Organization) definition of family planning states that it is a way of
thinking and living that is adopted voluntarily based on the knowledge,
attitudes and responsible decisions by individuals and couples in order to
promotes health and welfare of the family group and thus; contribute
effectively to the social development of the country. Egyptians as early as
1850 BC described various methods of birth control in scrolls. Aristotle, A Greek
Philosopher in the 4th century B.C stated that the state’s best interest would
be served by keeping the population stable.
In the early history of African culture, the mother
and the infant were separated from the father for prolonged periods of time
following childbirths; consequently, this practice ensured a good nutritional
period for the infant and abstinence for the mother. The above underscores the
fact that family planning is as old as history itself.
In 1797, Jeremy Bentham advocated birth control in
England. Giving credence to what Bentham advocated for, Francis place whose
dissertation, “Illustrations and proofs of the Principles of Population”
published in 1882 made a remarkable impact which proposed contraception to
reproduction. Subsequent theories by Thomas Malthins, an Englishman who wrote
“An Essay of the Principle of population” in 1798 which stated that poverty was
unavoidable because the means of production could not increase as quickly as
the population also made an impact.
It is under the above influence that Dr. Aletta
Jacobs, in 1881 began the first systematic work in contraception in Holland.
She and her medical colleagues gave professional assistance to birth control
advocates in other countries. Consequently, their effort saw the light of the
day when the first birth control clinic was opened in England by Marie Stopes
and society for constructive Birth Control in 1921. Margaret Sanger in her
little way in 1916 opened the first family planning clinic, which was closed
down 9 days later by the authorities, who were against the consequently was
imprisoned. As a result of that, she went on hunger strike for 103 hours. This
led the U.S women to demonstrate and make an appeal to the government. These
actions led to her release and allowed to carry on with her pioneering work in
family planning.
It is from the above background that family planning
is defined as; “the control of reckless breeding of children” by Planned
Parenthood Federation of Nigeria (PPFN). The questions that are still begging
for answer is, has the adequate awareness of family planning been made? If yes,
to what extent and how has this awareness affected the life of the public in
view? Consequently, the above question cannot be adequately addressed without
looking into how this awareness is done. This invites us to stand out and cast
a look on how Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria Enugu as our study carries
out this awareness task and how effective has been this task? Since the past is
always very important in addressing any problem for a better promising future,
it is important to trace how the above named institution came into existence.
For this would give us a better stand to address the issue at hand.
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