Thursday, July 7, 2016


1.0       Introduction
1.1       Background to the Study
Public relations unlike advertisement and other Marking Mix, Place all it efforts in building good image, name and public confidence in the mind of the various publics dealing with the organization. Public relations did not only see to good image for the products and services of the organization it serve but also ensure good image of the workers and management of the organization
It is widely accepted that the aim of any business or non-business organization like MTN Nigeria and Red Cross Society is to achieve growth, mobilize people, recruitment of members, and increase in turn over, assets and profit maximization. But all of this is dependent on the goodwill of the organization’s various publics.
Goodwill according to Malogo (1996) is secured not so much as a result of the organization’s mere existence but as the sustained strategic planning, execution and evaluation of the perception of their publics in relation to the organization.
The meaning of public relations has gone beyond a high sea, we can use public relations to mean different things for different purpose or for different functions it performs to different people, organization, society and individual. Public relations can be seen to mean communication, information, public affairs but it is seen as having the two hands of human being that washes its other which without it the stomach cannot be satisfied of the taste.
The aim is to create favorable atmosphere between an organization and its publics. Sam Black (1962: 62) asserts that public relations involve anything that is focused, improving and enhancing the flow of communication between an organization and its publics.
Public relations project the management personality of which the public relations department represents, through their activities with the use of their perspective tools (i.e. Print and electronic media).
Also, in a competitive marketplace where businesses compete for customers, societies compete for members, customers and members’ satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator and increasingly has become a key element of business strategy. "Within organizations, customer satisfaction ratings can have powerful effects. They focus employees on the importance of fulfilling customers’ or society’s expectations.
This research examines the usage of Public Relations in both commercial and non-commercial organization using MTN Nigeria and Red Cross Society of Nigeria.

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